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Joy and Clarity Newsletter, April 2012 |
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Saint-Germain, "Should Marriage Be a Sacrifice?" |
![]() A Saint-Germain Channeling By Alexandra and Dan "Dear Saint-Germain, I would like to understand my Soul's purpose and whether I can fulfill it by staying in my marriage. I want to know if this relationship has been nothing but a huge sacrifice for me, and whether it is preventing me from realizing my full potential. I tend to rely on the opinion of others, so it's difficult for me to come to an independent conclusion about this matter. But the fact is that I've stopped "giving my all"to this relationship, and I am holding back. I love my husband, but I'm feeling hopelessly dependent and unable to transform this situation for the better. I want to be free. Can you help me?" My friend, I AM Saint-Germain... Your Soul's purpose in this lifetime is to create and commit to interdependent relationships, instead of falling into dependent ones and then needing to break free. This means that challenges will come up in defining your personal boundaries, establishing your responsibilities toward yourself and your partner, and learning to express yourself with care and honesty, but without repressing your feelings. In addition, your Soul is committed to developing and using your talents and creativity to the fullest. You're awakening your desire to make a concrete contribution to the world, rather than merely dreaming about it or playing with possibilities. As you move forward with this, you'll want to encourage your growing sense of individuality and give expression to your wonderful ideas and inspiration. Just remember that as you do this, you're doing it in support of All That Is - and not just for yourself. This is the essence of interdependence. Continue reading |
Latest International Translations |
![]() We are grateful for each new translation that we receive, and since many of the translators have included their contact information, along with their translations, if you'd like to send them an email, please do it. Don't forget to tell them how much you appreciate what they are doing. We really appreciate each and every one translation that is offered to our readers through their kindness and generosity. Thank you. Now, here are this month's translated channelings. Thank you! -- Alexandra & Dan Español (Spanish): "Desequilibrio de la Energía, Fanatismo & Cambio Revolucionario" Mensaje del Equinoccio de Marzo de Saint-Germain para el 2012. Translator: Maribel Gonzalez http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/espaol.html 日本語訳 (Japanese): 「エネルギー・アンバランス、狂信と革命の変化」 聖ジャーメインからの2012年春分に向けてのメッセージ Translator: Yumi Shigaki http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/07/japanese-translation.html Русский перевод (Russian): 1. "Энергетический дисбаланс, фанатизм и революционные изменения." Мартовское Равноденствие 2012 года. 2. "О проблемах гомосексуалиста" Ченнелинг Сен-Жермена Translator: Ian Lisakov http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/08/blog-post.html Suomi (Finnish): "Energiatasapainottomuus, fanatismi ja vallankumouksellinen muutos" Maaliskuun päiväntasausviesti Saint-Germain -Kanavoiniti Translator: Pirjo Laine http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/suomi.html |
Client Services & Channeled Readings |
We offer Soul Purpose readings and personal readings with Saint-Germain. |
2007-2012 © Joy and Clarity. All rights reserved www.joyandclarity.com |
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