with Saint-Germain & Alexandra I don't know about you, but 2015 has been quite the year for me. It is out there competing to be one of the most extraordinary years of my life, along with a few others from the past. There's been ups and downs, extraordinary situations making my life burst at its seams, and then again moments of deep-digging and turning of rocks to bring light back into the darkest corners of myself. For a while there, I thought that if 2015 has been so tough in many ways, I am going to take the risk and say that if I will survive 2016, I will probably go on to live forever. (ha ha) Well, it turns out that this end of year is taking me by surprise. Since much of the year has been much about releasing layers and layers of my personal illusions and deep-seated beliefs, when the September Equinox came, and I felt increasingly the refreshing change of energy toward positive outlooks, and greater lightness of being, well... you can imagine how great it felt. Releasing old layers of ourselves never feels quite pleasant, and dealing with illusions and self-deception is no glamorous job, but it had to be done, and really... I had no choice. But I had a choice in how I was dealing with my situation, and with my life all this time. Yet, when you are constantly digging into some dark corners of yourself, you probably all know that it feels pretty lonely. It felt as if I was all by myself, and the whole world was cut away from where I was. It felt as if I was sick for days and years in a row, and nothing was going to help bring back my health, my joy, and my serenity. As I said though, after the September Equinox things started to shift. The energy in me, and around me began to shift. I was ready to take action, and the steps I took while they brought a lot of pain to the surface, they also brought a lot of clarity. All of a sudden the fog began to clear out, and I was beginning to see. It stopped feeling so lonely all around me, and with that, a great sense of renewal began to wash over me. But the other beautiful thing that happened was that I was beginning to feel greater awe for the world, for myself, and for life. During the digging period and actually over this whole year, Death has been very close. Both through the events in the world, but through the experiences that were much closer to me, and my loved ones. When you feel the breath of Death constantly in your back, you can't stop but think when it's your turn, right? So that was a constant over this whole year, and I never felt this close to Death as this year. But I also never felt so close to LIFE and being alive as I feel now. That is why I am so excited about what is to come next, because even if my life didn't turn into a rosy fantasy Lalaland, my inner life is so rich, so full, and I so obviously feel happy and content. Now back we go to 2004. At the time, after being in touch with the Guides and Angels for a number of years, all of a sudden I felt a great emptiness descending upon me. I had no idea what to think of it. I knew that the Guides didn't really leave my life, or the life of the many people around me. But it definitely felt like a huge change. And it was as if they has stepped back a few feet/meters. And it was from that distance that I and we were to interact from then on. Indeterminately. I don't know why it felt so painful, except that a part of me was just getting used to having the Guides "back," and through my personal filters of course that I interpreted the experience as being abandoned in some way. All of a sudden, the things that I used to feel, the way that I used to interact with my Guides felt very different. I was thrown onto myself, to feel how it is to be OUT there in the world, and make it happen on my own. All these years I thought that this is going to be the new status quo. This is how you're going to do it from now on, kiddo. However, since September I have this feeling that the wheel is turning again, and for some reason I can only say that the MAGIC is returning. I am so excited and happy to explore "this" whatever it is that is returning with the Magic in my own life, and to explore what is coming for all of us. I was telling a friend today that I can't wait to share this feeling with everyone I meet. And of course, I can't wait to share what is available to share with all of you too. That's why on Sunday, January 3 2016, I will be having an online event where together with the helpful guidance of our dear Angels and Guides, and Saint-Germain, we will look back at 2015 and what we're leaving behind, and then we look forward at the Magic that 2016 is bringing to us. Hope to see you then! During this 1 hour event, we will explore the energy flow that is streaming into the Earth for all of us. The consciousness that we are leaving behind with 2015, and the new that is awaiting for us in 2016. What is our purpose for 2016? Shouldn't you know about it? Then don't miss it. BE there! Sign me up! I'm ready for The Return of Magic EVENT!! (You can listen to this webinar live or later. A recording will be available.)► You pay only ![]() ![]() UPDATE Event starts January 3, 2016 at 12:00 pm Central Daylight Time. Your March Equinox workshop with Saint-Germain was very healing. The tools and exercises you gave will help so much. I didn't understand until yesterday that when I heal myself, I can help others heal, and how simple it could be. I'm very excited about that! I would like so much to help out, and do what I came to earth to do. Your events/workshops seem to be guiding me/all of us through a process to transition to a new phase of life. I'm so grateful that you are in my life! Thank you. ~ Ann That was wonderful, thank-you...very clear and helpful. ~ Vera Thank you for allowing me to take part in your Solstice event. It was very meaningful to me. I really appreciate the effort and love that you, St. Germain and all of the angels and guides put into the messages that come through for us. My love and best wishes always to you. Thanks for creating a safe space. ~ Ann-Marie PLEASE READ THESE IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: After paying for this event, you will receive an email from us with the subject line, "Confirm your subscription". Open it, and click the link inside. YOU MUST click this link in order to complete your registration for the event. Your place in the workshop cannot be guaranteed, until you do. If you can't find this email in your inbox, please check your spam folder. Upon paying for the event, you will also receive a second email in your inbox with the subject line, "The Return of Magic." This second email contains instructions about how to listen to the event online. Be sure to open this email, too. If you have any questions about this event, you can email Alexandra at joy.clarity@gmail.com SPECIAL Message from Alexandra at Joy and Clarity Hi Everyone! We've been snowed in... It's winter for 2 days; well to be more exact for two nights and one day. This is how it is in West Texas. At least we got a taste of it. It was a perfect moment arriving just in time as a cleansing experience, after being in convalescence for the last ten days. All we've been doing was – as the doctor prescribed, to stay put: eat, sleep, walk, and do nothing. This is not an easy task for two very active people like Dan and me. But we were given no choice. We've been invited on this “ wellness trip,” and had to go with the flow. There really was no other choice. But let me share with you some details, so that you will know why the December Solstice event became a January 3 event, and I am only writing to you now. On December 9, Dan woke up from sleep with severe pain that we initially thought would be a gallbladder attack. We waited out (also did some energy work), and six hours later the pain was still there. The primary care physician recommended us to go straight to the emergency, and so we did. Little did we know that this trip would end up with a flight over to another city for treatment and surgery, plus a complete surrender into the hands of God. All of a sudden, the picture of our lives changed, everything was not the way it's always been. What is a simple procedure, could have been a very dangerous situation in a place without the necessary care, and the necessary help. As I jumped into the ambulance airplane to be transported over to another hospital with Dan, all I heard was “You will lose everything, so that you gain everything.” And in all honesty, the whole situation was so out of control for both Dan (to him because he was mostly in such pain, he couldn't even think) and for me, that I was left with nothing else but faith. I have heard this word used around spiritual communities, and I have used it myself enough times. But nothing, no definition comes close to the direct experience that teaches you what it truly means to have faith and surrender to God's Will. All of a sudden, techniques and teachings, books and theories, everything fades away and gives way to the innermost and strongest of personal beliefs. Which hopefully includes faith! So, there I was, in one of the scariest moments of my life (if not THE scariest one), and when everything was stripped away from me, and I was facing the possibility that our life together would end, all I could think was gratitude. “Thank you God for everything you have given us, for all the joy and all the experiences we've had together. If this is the last time we are together, let it be so. If we still have some time to enjoy together, let it be so. Thy Will be done.” I remember looking at Dan lying in the stretcher in the airplane, and crying yet feeling so much love and gratitude. But it is not something I have experienced in the same way before, because I knew in that moment that it was all out of my hands. I knew it was all going to happen the way we have intended for that moment to happen. I had no control, except for the way I would respond to this situation. By embracing the whole experience for what it was, and relinquishing my need to make it right or wrong, or trying to define it in any way, it wasn't just out of my hands, but everything from then on was in God's hands. I am pretty sure the words can't really explain how I felt at the moment, because I am trying myself to touch again on that feeling that stayed with me for days. I was in shock too, which took a while to come out of, however the resonance with the love that was present between Dan and me, and the faith that was permeating my human being, helped me take care of Dan, and helped us both to get through it all. In just ten days we returned home, and the recovery has been going really well, which I am hoping we will hear from the surgeon as well this Wednesday. I've been writing this message to you for these last ten days since we are back home, and every time I can think of something more that I would like to share with you. I have experienced so much grace, love and generosity during the whole hospital stay, exactly how you would picture angels being present on Earth helping one another. There have been issues, and not everything went perfect, but the human spirit of all the people that we entrusted with Dan's care was truly extraordinary. Not once, but many times I have thought of my nurse friends, who I know are so caring like those nurses that cared for Dan. I truly believe now that the magic I was talking about a few weeks back has returned. And this whole experience has been a true gift to both of us, to Dan and me. One of the gifts of this experience has been for me to understand that there is always help around me, I just need to ask for it. So I did. I asked family and friends to help with rides to the store, cleaning, and cooking since I felt very overwhelmed. I have asked more friends and family to pray for Dan's surgery to go well. With asking for help I have learned how ready people are to help, and to be generous with their time and resources. And that means so much to me, because I am usually on the side of the giving, and rarely ask for anything myself. So, here I am asking for more help. Thankfully, I don't believe that we will have to pay the $55,000 expensive transfer flight, as our insurance will cover a number of the expenses, and hopefully this will be one of them. (My American friends will understand this, but for you my friends from the other parts of the world, in the US the insurance system varies depending on what you are able to pay to the insurance company first as you buy your insurance. Depending on that is determined what amount the insurance will actually reimburse for your care. Without insurance, in catastrophic events people are left with a lifelong debt of hundreds of thousands of dollars, which of course not many can pay, since they couldn't afford insurance in the first place.) Whatever expenses we will have, we will most likely use our savings to cover them. However, the 10 day hospitalization and the recovery time will have taken us both at least one month out of work, which adds to the expenses we already have. That is why I am asking for your help now. We have only done this one other time before, which was when Dan and I moved to the US. Here's what I have to offer: if you wanted to join the Solstice event, but didn't do it for some reason, you can still join it now. I originally priced it at $25 USD, but if you want to participate and can only pay $5 USD, you will be able to enter whatever you can pay for it. The Return of Magic will be the event that will start a new series of monthly gatherings with Saint-Germain. This is one way that you can help. JOIN us here for this Sunday, January 3 and enjoy this event with me. I will definitely share more of my recent experiences, but certainly we will have the ringing of the New Year with Saint-Germain where he will definitely talk more to us about The Return of Magic. Another way that you can help is to have a reading with Saint-Germain and me. I will be doing 45 minutes phone/internet live consultations with channelings from Saint-Germain based on 3 of your questions. Send me your information to joy.clarity@gmail.com with your full name, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, and the three (3) short questions, and I will be sending you an invoice. Sessions will be priced at $75 USD. The time of the session will be booked after you make the payment. I will give you several options, so that we can match our time zones. If you need more information about these sessions, let me know. I will begin doing sessions January 4, 2016. Finally, the last way that you can help, if you are not interested in either the online event, or a session with Saint-Germain and me, is to send us a donation here. If you've enjoyed reading all the material that we put out over the years, this is the time we could use your help. Every donation will help us keep up with our expenses, and of course will help Dan not to stress about his recovery time. To donate, please do it here. Thank you so much! If you can't help in any of the above ways, a good thought, a prayer and blessings will be just as valuable. Or you can share this information with a friend who might want to join our event, or have a session with us. I will leave you with this very timely quote from Caroline Myss: “Live as if you were liberated from ordinary thought, beyond the boundaries of logic and reason. Be bold in your decisions and creative and imaginative in your thoughts. Think and live with the soul of a mystic, seeing the world as a field of grace in which you walk as a channel of light. Live these truths. Become these truths. This is your true highest potential.” – Defy Gravity. This message speaks to me so profoundly, and I am going to embrace it every day from now on. Have a Happy New Year, and may you find endless joy and peace in your lives every day from now on. I am so honored to be able to write to you, to share with you my thoughts and to let you know that life is a miracle. May magic find you wherever you are, dear friends. I am certainly feeling blessed today. Cheers to LIFE! Alexandra ![]() UPDATE Number 2 Thank you ALL so much for the generosity of heart you have shown both for Dan and me! I am so touched by the love, the resources and all the beautiful emails that I have received from you. It means so much to me, and I can tell you it means SO much more for Dan to feel supported as you have shown him at this moment in his life. The great thing about this whole experience is that I have not told Dan about me sending the email out to our community of friends and readers here. I opened the emails yesterday, and when I showed him the out-pour of love and care that is coming from you, he literally was speechless. He couldn't believe it that so many people that he hasn't even met in his life are showing him so much support. Your encouragement and the money that you have sent to us, the sessions you have booked, all of it makes such a big difference. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you ALL. We have just returned after a day-long ride to see Dan's surgeon, and everything is great according to him as well. What a relief! We won't need to see him, unless something should happen, which of course we are not intending to, since Dan is resting, and taking care of himself. The funny thing though that happened today was an "interesting" thought that was percolating through my head. With the verdict from the doctor that everything is fine, and also with the slow return to the "normal," or let's say the usual way of living for us, and for everyone around us, all of a sudden I had this thought that "maybe everything wasn't so dramatic after all. Maybe I just imagined it." You see, only three weeks ago, life seemed so fragile. But when life returns it its normal ways, and people begin acting as if nothing happened, my conditioning would be to think that I am just exaggerating everything. That maybe it was just a minor thing, and I blew it out of proportion. Maybe I should just return to my normal life, and continue on. But here's the trick. Our whole life is about such "dramatic" moments when we are finally paying attention to what God and Spirit has to share with us. To listen to our Soul, and its guidance on our path here on Earth. It is only us that believe when such moments are over that we can return to our usual ways of being and doing things. We think we can go back, but in truth, we can not. We have been forced by our life circumstances to change our inner views, beliefs, our ways of acting in the world. Have we done the homework? If we have, then we know that it wasn't just a result of our imagination that everything seemed so fragile not too long ago. When we connect deeply with our Soul, with God and our Spirit guides in such moments of life and death (aka Truth or Illusion) we are truly moving in leaps and bounds, and life can never be the same, even if it may look the same from outside to many people around us. But we have changed. We have become a new version of ourselves, and hopefully a better one. Much closer to Truth, much more aligned with our Divine purpose, and much more in tune with our hearts. This is my gift to you right now for this beautiful cold evening. I hope that you will enjoy your next few days, and are ready to make your true heart resolutions for the New Year. You will hear back from me again with personal thanks, as I am truly positively and wonderfully overwhelmed with all the gifts you have shown to us. Thanks again. ![]() |
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Saint-Germain, LIVE Channeling 2016 The Return of Magic
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Contact us at: joy.clarity@gmail.com