Next Ask Saint-Germain Event:
Sunday, June 19 12:00 pm Central US Time
These Saint-Germain events are a wonderful way to receive guidance and loving insight. You can ask Saint-Germain about anything.
Commonly asked questions have to do with career, job, money, relationships, family, friends, school, and personal desires. But no topic is really off limit.
We are gathering again for another LIVE event that will include:
► a channeling from Saint-Germain
► your Questions and Answers with Saint-Germain and Alexandra
► a guided meditation with Alexandra.
You will be notified during the event when it is time to send your questions, but you will be able to send a question before the event too. We will do our best to answer all the questions that come in, however an answer is not always guaranteed. Thank you for understanding.
(If you can't be present live, read the instructions in your confirmation email about how to send us your questions.)
Are you ready to join us?
Your Ask Saint-Germain Event
starts Sunday, June 19 2016 at 12 pm Central US Time.
You pay only $45 USD

If you can't attend live, you can listen to the recording. It is available to you indefinitely.
After paying for this event, you will receive an email from us with the subject line, "Confirm your subscription". Open it, and click the link inside. YOU MUST click this link in order to complete your registration for the event. Your place in the workshop cannot be guaranteed, until you do. If you can't find this email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Upon paying for the event, you will also receive a second email in your inbox with the subject line, "Ask Saint-Germain." This second email contains instructions about how to listen to the event online. Be sure to open this email, too.
If you have any questions about this event, you can email Alexandra at
Here are some of our clients' testimonials and appreciations from previous work.
G.T. from United States
"Dear Dan, Alexandra, and Saint-Germain, Nomaste and thank you. I have been waiting patiently for what I have just listened to... I am vibrating still and intensely moved by your being with me so deeply... I have just wiped my tears of joy from my face (that started as I heard Saint-Germain) and indeed there is much now to face!
"Dan, I am in awe of your knowledge of astrology...not that I understood it all, but the message, yes... I will no doubt be listening to it several times in order to absorb it all. Alexandra, your soft soothing voice, so reassuring... that touched my soul with the Love being spoken, and Saint-Germain (after all these years being aware of you) I didn't take my eyes off of your image while I was hearing your message...
"It is by far the most intense reading I have had (not many, mind you). You answered all my questions to a degree beyond imagination."
J.B. from the United States:
"Wow! Fabulous session. I really appreciate the way all of you say the message in many different ways so the point gets across and past my analytical brain barrier. I got it! Thank you from the heart."
S.B. from Spain:
"The session was incredible. It's so clear, and simple. Everything that was said rings true. Thank you very much...I´m sure I will refer to this a lot of times. A huge kiss for you, and much love."
I.S. from Belgium:
"I just wanted to thank you for the great channeling that you brought through for me last year. It has been unfolding in the most wonderful and exciting ways! Much clarity has been gained, and the joy within accessed. The transformation keeps bringing about amazing insights. Blessed be, and lovely continuation. Hope to hear from you again."
R.R. from the United States:
"Alexandra and Dan, Thank you for your information, and the Saint-German reading and knowledge. The session was great, and made a lot of sense to me, something I have felt for a long time, but it gives me much doubt. The very detailed information was a great help, I listened to it late last night, and I will listen to it again and again to settle into the energy of the information, and move forward from there.
"I understand a lot more of who this sovereign being is (me) and why I feel the way I do, and the items that need addressed that my soul is encouraging me to look at, be and feel throughout my entire being. Thank you so much for your time and generosity with the reading and the reduced fee. Many blessings to you both. With love and gratitude."
R.B. from the Netherlands:
"Thank you both so much for the session! It touched my heart so deeply. I never had in my life such clear and profound answers. I'm blessed to have found you...The session showed me where my life is going, and that's toward the freedom and joy of living as the full humanity converging with my Divinity...No more longing for a far away home, or a far away God somewhere in the universe. It's about being with my God Self." |