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Joy & Clarity Newsletter, January 2012 |
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"Do You Hide Your Light From Others?" A Saint-Germain Channeling |
![]() A Saint-Germain Channeling By Alexandra and Dan Dear Saint-Germain, I love learning about ways to heal. I want to help others with what I already know, but I would still like to learn more. My big problem is stage-fright. I have difficulty getting up in front of others, no matter what I'm doing. I feel so exposed, that I find myself hiding my light. This keeps me from offering all that I am in service to others. Can you help me? My dear friend, I AM Saint-Germain. It is clear that you have a great love of knowledge and an affinity for the healing arts. You are also drawn toward sensitive expression of all kinds, and this is something you should encourage in yourself as you go through life. You understand things easily, your interests are diverse, and your desire to use your creative talents is admirable. You love learning, teaching, and performing, as well as being in compassionate service to others. However, as you already mentioned, you're experiencing some discomfort in doing this. You call it "stage fright" or performance anxiety. But in reality, it has more to do with how you relate to others emotionally, how you maintain your personal boundaries, and how willing you are to get to the depth of your experiences. Here's what I mean by this... Continue reading |
Supporting Your Soul's Purpose. A powerful Saint-Germain reading! |
![]() But you will offer no lasting support to your Soul by neglecting your humanness. Instead, you're here to attend to both. When you are able to help your Soul, and satisfy your human needs, then you will experience a sense of joy and well-being in your inner and outer worlds. Would you like to know more about your Soul's plan and purpose for your life? Then please consider having this very powerful session with Saint-Germain. There are three ways that you can participate. Option 1. Soul Purpose (basic reading) Purchase the basic reading and you will receive: 15 minute, recorded message from Saint-Germain about aligning your Soul's purpose with your human needs. 10 minute, recorded overview of your Soul's purpose, as revealed by your natal and Draconic astrological charts. The basic reading is valued at $120 USD. You pay only $60 USD Option 2. Soul Purpose (extensive reading) With the extensive reading, you will receive: 20 minute, recorded message from Saint-Germain about aligning your Soul's purpose with your human needs. 25 minute, recorded overview of your Soul's purpose, as revealed by your natal and Draconic astrological charts. 15 page workbook, "How to Support Your Soul's Purpose and Satisfy Your Needs." The extensive reading is valued at $250 USD. You pay only $120 USD Option 3. Soul Purpose (comprehensive reading) With the comprehensive reading, you will receive: 25 minute, recorded message from Saint-Germain about aligning your Soul's purpose with your human needs. 40 minute, recorded overview of your Soul's purpose, as revealed by your natal and Draconic astrological charts. 15 page workbook, "How to Support Your Soul's Purpose and Satisfy Your Needs." The comprehensive reading is valued at $360 USD. You pay only $180 USD What we need from you to do your session: Your gender, birth date, birth place, and time of birth (if known). A paragraph from you, identifying 1 or 2 specific questions you would like to address in your session. We'll contact you by email to get your birth information and paragraph, after receiving your payment. We normally return a completed session within three weeks of receiving your questions. We are currently returning sessions during the 2nd week of February. About Draconic astrology: The Draconic chart is cast in reference to the nodal axes of the moon and is thought to represent the Soul's plan or intention prior to coming into this lifetime. By comparing your Draconic and natal charts, it is possible to see the most important themes you're here to work with in this lifetime. This can help you feel more fulfilled spiritually, as well as better integrated into your earthly existence. It's a way for you to learn how to support your Soul's intention and satisfy your human needs, too. |
Latest International Translations |
![]() Volunteer translators have done a wonderful work in making our Saint-Germain channelings available for a wider audience. So, when you visit our international page, please remember to write them a brief note and tell them how much you appreciate what they are doing. We sure appreciate their kindness and generosity, and we are glad to count upon their friendship. Here are this month's translated channelings. With many thanks! -- Alexandra & Dan Español (Spanish): "Un Llamado a la Acción y el Retorno al Amor y la Razón" Solsticio de Diciembre 2011 y Mensaje del Año Nuevo de 2012. Una Canalización de Saint-Germain Translator: Maribel Gonzalez http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/espaol.html Français (French): "Un Appel à l'Action et un Retour à l'Amour et à la Raison." Le Solstice de Décembre 2011 et un Message du Nouvel An 2012. Une canalisation de Saint-Germain Translator: Nicole Eylaine http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/franais.html 日本語訳 (Japanese): 1. 「行動の呼びかけ、そして愛と良識への復帰」~2011年の12月の至(冬至)及び2012年の新年のメッセージ 2. 依存、ブロックされたエネルギー、そしてあなたの魂の目的~聖ジャーメインのチャネリング 3. 「どのように、あなたは高尚な真実を教えますか?」~聖ジャーメインのチャネリング Translator: Yumi Shigaki http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/07/japanese-translation.html Русский перевод (Russian): «Призыв к действию и возвращение к Любви и Разуму» Декабрьское Солнцестояние 2011 года и Новогоднее послание 2012 года. Ченнелинг Сен-Жермена Translator: Ian Lisakov http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/08/blog-post.html Suomi (Finnish): "Kutsu toimintaan sekä paluu rakkauteen ja terveeseen järkeen" Joulukuun päivänseisauksen 2011 ja uuden vuoden 2012 viesti Saint-Germain -Kanavoiniti Translator: Pirjo Laine http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/suomi.html |
Client Services & Channeled Readings |
We offer Soul Purpose readings and personal readings with Saint-Germain. |
2007-2012 © Joy and Clarity. All rights reserved www.joyandclarity.com |
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