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Joy and Clarity Newsletter, August 2011 |
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Latest from Saint-Germain, "Soul Mates or Cellmates?" |
![]() A Saint-Germain Channeling By Alexandra and Dan www.joyandclarity.com Dear Saint-Germain, I have a small company with my boyfriend. But business has been slow and we have to renegotiate our bank loan soon. Our relationship and business are so entangled that sometimes we're more like cellmates, than Soul mates. I thought we might separate because of this, but we've decided to marry instead. How can we have a happy marriage and a successful business, too? Hello dear friend. I AM Saint-Germain. Yes, this is a sensitive time for you. You're dedicated to the vision that you hold for your business. But now, you're feeling challenged to turn this into a stable reality. You're also making a deeper commitment to your relationship through marriage, even though you've recently questioned each others' devotion to the business and considered separating. This is certainly going to bring up issues for you to examine. Here's what I mean by this... Your hopes for a successful business are clearly entwined with your personal relationship, so that you are finding it difficult to see the way forward. This can make it tempting to blame your relationship for failures of the business, or your business for troubles within the relationship. But, what is required instead is a higher awareness of their differences, and a willingness to work toward collaborative solutions with compassion and understanding. Continue reading |
We're almost there! Moving to the USA. |
![]() If you've benefited from our channelings, please help with a session purchase or donation. Why we are moving to the USA. We want to be close to Dan's mother, we're starting a health care practice, and we're developing new services and a spiritual retreat. How can you help us right now? Buying a session or donating will help. We've paid for Alex's resident visa and planet ticket with client readings. But we still need $1250 to buy Dan's ticket. Our total trip cost will be $3000 USD. If you'd like to help us, you can purchase a session or donate. Thanks to all of you who have already contributed. Your support is truly appreciated! Much love from us, Alexandra & Dan |
Latest International Translations |
![]() You can find their work at Joy and Clarity International, where we have over 250 translations of our channels, available in 15 different languages. Many of the translators have included contact information, along with their translations, so if you'd like to send them an email, please do it. Don't forget to tell them how much you appreciate what they are doing. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We are glad to count upon your friendship. Now, here are this month's translated channelings. Thank you! -- Alexandra & Dan Español (Spanish): "¿Qué Es Lo Que Te Llena Ahora?" Una Canalización de Saint-Germain Translator: Maribel Gonzalez http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/espaol.html Português (Portuguese): "Dando Nascimento ao Novo Você" Uma Canalização de Saint-Germain Translator: Sandra Piechottka http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/portugus.html Русский перевод (Russian): 1. "Что наполняет вас сейчас" Ченнелинг Сен-Жермена 2. "Бог, Эго и Цель Души." Ченнелинг Сен-Жермена Translator: Ian Lisakov http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/08/blog-post.html Suomi (Finnish): "Mikä tyydyttää sinua nyt?" Saint-Germain -Kanavoiniti Translator: Pirjo Laine http://joyandclarityinternational.blogspot.com/2008/06/suomi.html |
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